Thursday, October 23, 2008

The homeless.

They are no different than we are...but we don't like to talk to them, or even look at them most of the time for that matter. I spent some time on the streets Ybor City in downtown Tampa and in the woods near my house at a soup kitchen that feeds people who live at a homeless camp.
I got some great photos. But that was really the least important part. I got to know these people and hear their stories. I have been changed--for the better. Matthew 25.
During this holday season take some time to think about how good you have it. Times are tough, but we have a home, food, and all of the luxuries that come along with it. Remember people who don't have anything but the clothes on their back and a hot meal from a stranger.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Masked Beauty

I saw this lady in the mall the other day where her head gear was covering all but her eyes, She looked like a queen by only seeing her green eyes and dark skin and it made me think can you hide beauty ? No ! True beauty can't be masked so I did a shoot w/ my daughter and the beauty is there !!!!!! I don't mean to disrespect anyone here, just want to get in your head I have 100 questions and will do a shoot real soon on the issues at hand and go from there. Cheers.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sept 1, 2008

10 more days until the day that I will never forget. We can't just pull out now it would not be right ! On the 11th please pray for our troops, and the men and women who have fallen.

Semper Fi.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bivens Photography w/ the girls.

Just having fun !!! Be on the lookout for the Jenny-Sue Super Photo Shoot. Prints will be for sell in Oct 08.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today it's the Sons.

Jen and I was out today and saw the biggest flag we have ever seen, read the story below today was today for the flag.

Gigantic Confederate flag flies on 139-foot pole near Tampa, Fla.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans in Tampa plan soon to raise what they claim is the world's largest Confederate flag on a private triangle of land tucked near where Interstates 75 and 4 meet. The flag measures 50 feet by 30 feet.
John Adams, commander of the organization's Florida division, has spearheaded the flag project, which includes plans for an accompanying memorial park. And he wants to make sure that the only objections the group faces are based on opinion, not the law.
"You're going to hear some complaints about it for sure," Adams said. "But it's a free country as far as I know."
To some, particularly across many Southern states, the rebel flag represents a rich heritage that includes fighting and dying for the Confederate cause during the Civil War. To others, the flag represents dark memories attached to slavery and racial inequality.
One of those people is Curtis Stokes, president of the NAACP in Hillsborough County, who hopes that a groundswell of opposition to raising the flag might convince the Sons of Confederate Veterans to reconsider.
That's an unlikely scenario, according to Adams. Nearly a decade ago, the 220 members in the state's Sons of Confederate Veterans group launched a project called "Flags Across Florida" in response to a decision by state officials to remove the Confederate flag from a place of prominence near the state capitol in Tallahassee.

United Daughters of the Confederacy

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the vacation but I am back. Been busy with Bivens Photography. This time with a personal story that really touched me in a crazy way.

Jenny-Sue and I want to the Gamble Plantation (the last plantation standing in Florida) The thoughts that race in your mind when you know the place you are at was a sugar cane plantation with 200 slaves to maintain it. In the first photo you see the iron they used to keep their masters looking good in the hot heat of Florida, they put hot embers into the hole and that was how they did it, also they made the soap, candles, and everything else to maintain and run the house

The second photo is of the water storage unit they collected the rain water in. They placed a huge piece of limestone in the center, when the water passed through the lime stone it was good to drink (a filter system). I looked in the system and the water was still very dirty (on the clean side).

The third photo is a list of slaves for their records. The slave quarters are gone and I can only think the daughters did not see a need to save that house. The walls in this place were 2 feet thick and we were so hot it was crazy. At that time there was no ice this far south and the bugs were out of this world. The slaves use to take the beds out everyday to beat the hay/feathers/or Spanish moss so that the bed bugs wouldn't be harsh on their masters. This was a 2-3 hour process everyday.

The last photo is of the house. There were no outside stairs so that the Indians could not sneak up on them and there were rope ladders to the bed rooms so that if they were invaded they can run upstairs and pull the rope so that the Indians could not get them. All the beds had bug nets because the bugs at the time can kill you (malaria). Three man lived in the house, a father and two sons. The slave house was a big open room with a door and a window (no nets, no privacy). I can only guess how that must have been. I was about to die in the big house because of the heat--so the slave quarters must have been crazy.

The part that gets to me is that I went to a place where my people must have been in hell on earth with 3 men. I know the ladies had kids by these guys and their own stories to tell but there is no record of that here.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy pereserved and currently maintain the house (built in 1895).

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Opus X

A Opus X Fuente Cigar that is the best cigar you can get here in America, Cuba is another story. This is the cigar factory that started it all, here in Tampa, That is why Tampa is known as Cigar city .

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hillsborough River State Park.

I was at the river and saw they had canoe rentals and thought that would be a great vantage point to show the world what Florida has to offer. I was out too early so maybe next time I will show you all some cool Photos of Tampa.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Litter Bugs of Tampa.

I saw this story on the news today about litter is on a come-back, I did not know it has ever left. So I went out to the pier to see if all the clean-up efforts were working and this is what I found. Enjoy. BIV.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Roc.

People still leave money on his grave because of what he gave to Cleveland ! Go Browns.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Point of View

Hello All,

Jenny and I were sitting at home this Saturday morning missing Cleveland. So I thought this would be a great time to dig up some of my Cleveland photos and think about the City that brought us together.

One day when I was downtown and went to the S & S monument this guy wanted to show me that Cleveland is so much into it's public art that this piece was in protest for about 20 years because a famous person did not want a Black man on Public square. So I had to get some photos of history and wanted your feedback on what's your favorite point of view.

HOMEWORK for my Cleveland folks..... Go downtown and record your point of view of this piece.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Florida storms

Now that we are in the thick of summer, everyday around 4pm the storms roll in, Today the rain came down so hard we had to slow down in order to see the road. There is a GOD ! These photos show you how powerful he really is.

Super Heros

This post is fluff. Who is your Super Hero ?
I would have to say Jenny-Sue, no matter how bad I am down she seems to bring me up !

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Black in America

Looking at CNN tonight I know, I know, a break from Fox news. I have these questions.......

1. What is your impression of black culture in American society?

2. What accomplishments have blacks made in America since Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination?

3. What challenges do you think exist for black men and women in American society today?

4. Has Barack Obama's candidacy impacted your view of black men and women in America? Explain.

5. Do you think that your family's history has affected your life? If so, how?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Jenny-Sue The Great ! She is a SAINT !

She is Great !
My new Favorite shot of Jenny-Sue. Hope you like it too.
She is getting to be at ease in front of the camera, Like a fine wine gets better with time. We are going to make a book with over 500 Photos of the lady I love. Summer 2009. SO Jenny and I have to get busy, I will post some from time to time but its funny, when you show the pix, people try to copy them, so I will limit my Biv Shots for the book, and let me tell you I have loads of them. Cheers.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Nature Boy !

Today is "Shoot the day" around the world for photographers, I was up for this day for the last month but today I am in a funk ! Things happen to make you say is it all worth it ? 1132am and I have no desire to shoot. Crazy Eh ? here are some photos from my hike in the park and wanted to share w/ you. There is something about woods that calms the soul. Cheers !

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Da South Part Two

A good friend wanted to know more of my thoughts on the issue, so here it is.......

I think that we all need to educate ourself on the history of America and our long and dark past. Last week the state of Massachusetts passed a law that a black man could marry a white lady as a result of the whole gay marriage ban. America thinks that our next president will be Black. What I see and hear from my family and friends is get ready for a change--and they don't know one issue that he stands for.

John McCain was my hero long before the race for 08 only to find out he voted against MLK holiday because he didn't think MLK was a person who rated his own holiday, and his state of AZ still doesn't notice it as a holiday. ( Some education that I needed to know.) NEWT in 08 !!!!!

The pix above show sons of Buffalo Soldiers. They were right in front of the Rebels of Florida float in the 4th of July parade, was that planned? I was listening to some great music and a song came on Black NAS.... Says "It may seem to be heaven-sent--we ain't ready to have a black President ." it goes on to say will he be real and let all the innocent blacks free from prison ? or will he be fake? ...This is what our kids listen to, and no matter who you have in office, they will not change the world in 90 days.

My view is this: Show and prove, learn about the other race, invite them to your house, or go to their house and ask questions. If everyone does that the world will be a better place.

My high school class was 395 people and 6 of us were black. So you see how I had to learn about the other race. I will tell you more in later post but I will leave you with this...... In USMC Boot Camp every time I went up to speak w/ my drill instructor I had to get on my knees because he would never look up to a N*##er.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The South 2008

The Top Photo will be published around town to show the world that Kids don't know what this is all about unless you teach them. The guy sitting did not take one of the flags because he knows the history, or He probably saw my camera I don't know but the little guy got one of the the flags and the lady was so nice to the little guy and talked to him for a little, I don't know what she said but the little guy liked it and that made me feel proud that I can see something like this in my lifetime. As the kid went back to his dad, he took the flag from the boy and threw it to the ground, the kid started to cry because all he knew was that this nice lady gave him a flag and talked to him for a few min. and then his dad took the flag and threw it away. Hopefully he told the kid why he did it but probably not because I saw the kid angry for the next 30 min. The photo under it was a johnny Reb. that stopped in his track so that I can get this photo, as he passed by he told me, "Thanks Brother." O.K. I see a story in this. Plz. leave your comment on race relations in the world.
Any stories that you want to share ?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Film ! The playground

4th of July weekend ! The weekend I went back to film ! I must say it feels great. The Blog will not be the same. Very clear pix w/ no noise.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back to the basics

The 4th of July weekend was one of getting back to the basics, FILM Camera, Family, and good times. I will post a few of my works in progress later when I have time to develop the film, B/W film is the best to see it show up on paper is like magic, and it makes you think about the shot b-4 you take it. Bring the film movement back !!!!


Rest in Peace, you are now in a better place, Tell beautiful stories about your family because you raised a great family that I am proud to be a part of.
You will be missed.
Jen and I was at your house last night and the thought hit me that we will no longer make that trip to grandma's house anymore. Sad for Jenny-Sue because moving here she has seen more of her family than she has seen in years it has brought the family closer to Jenny and now it's about to be her alone once again.

Friends from Cleveland.

We found out how much we both miss Cleveland when our friends were here this week. The arts, the people, and The arts. I am reading Newt's new book real change so be on the lookout for some of my new words. Newt for Pres. Write in vote.
RIP to Anna Madden, the sharpest 96 year old I ever had the pleasure to speak with.

Monday, June 30, 2008

What Breaks Jesus' heart ?

When the people he loves dies.
What Ticks him off ?
When the things he created to bare fruit don't.
What side will you be on ?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

GOD is Life !!!

I was looking at a blank page for about 1 hour and don't know what to say.
Everything is OK on the homefront. Pray for Her.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Pride of Mr. Bivens

Today Jenny-Sue and I were outside after work and WOW ! I just happened to have my camera around my neck, took a few shots and I must say I am soooooo LUCKY ! I mean look at her, the baddest girl in the game wearing my ring ! I don't let anybody touch my Liverpool But this young lady can stand on it if she wanted to. Cheers.